E2 Hungary LTD  –  Member of MET Group
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Energy desk officer service

With our highly qualified and experienced engineers and supporting professionals we provide professional energy desk officer service with which our customers can completely meet legislative requirements.

Our energy desk officer service was designed in a way that its content elements ensure that the user companies / enterprises can fully meet legislative regulations.

According to the above, our services encompass the following:

  • Processing of energy contracts to an extent needed for the performance of energy desk officer tasks
  • Structural presentation of energy consumption figures
  • Preparation of monthly energy balance
  • Preparation of periodical (e.g. quarterly, seasonal) energy balance
  • Preparation of monthly report to the Company
  • Preparation of annual report to the Company
  • Preparation of statistics on expected and implemented energy investment project proposals
  • Raising energy-consciousness awareness of the company’s employees
  • Processing of energy investment project and operational energy performance indicators
  • Preparation of summary annual report on energy efficiency developments and the methods applied
  • Performance of energy safety related tasks
  • Active professional support to electricity and natural gas procurement

Which companies are required to use energy desk officer service?

Act CXXXVIII of 2016 and certain provisions of Government Decree 393/2016 (XII.5) that entered into on 21 December 2016 or thereafter specified in more detail the earlier provisions applicable to mandatory energetic auditing of large companies and at the same time imposed new obligations on certain enterprises.

The amendment of the Act on energy efficiency that entered into force on 21 December 2016 provides that enterprises having a specified level of energy consumption shall engage at least one energy desk officer who is independent of the company in terms of labour and company law.

The government decree rules that all companies shall engage energy desk officer (irrespective of their status of SME or large company) whose average energy usage in the period of three years before the target year exceeds

  1. 400 000 kWh electricity,
  2. 100 000 m3 natural gas or
  3. 3 400 GJ heat volume.


The companies under the obligation must from 21.12.2016, at the latest by 30.06.2017 report to MEKH their energy desk officer.


Pursuant to Article 48 (7) of the amended Act LVII of 2015 on energy efficiency the Hungarian Energy and Public Utility Regulatory Authority (MEKH) may impose on the companies / enterprises that failed to report the engagement of energy desk officer a penalty ranging from HUF 200,000 to HUF 2,000,000, that may be imposed repeatedly with an amount up to 150% of the earlier penalty (maximum HUF 3 million).

What are the duties of the energy desk officer?

The energy desk officer is responsible for promoting the application of energy efficiency approach and energy efficient behaviour according to legislation in force in the operations and decision-making of the business association.

  1. monitor the change in the energy usage of the enterprise and the implementation of energy efficiency measures,
  2. prepare a report to the enterprise on his activity with the content and regularity determined in the government decree issued for the implementation of this Act,
  3. participate in the preparation of the report defined in Article 22/C of Ehat. tv.,
  4. participate in shaping the energy efficiency awareness of the employees of the enterprise,
  5. participate as professional observer and consultant in the conducting of the regular energetic audit and in the development and monitoring of the operation of an EN ISO 50001 compliant energy management system,
  6. make proposals for energy efficient solutions, energy efficiency development possibilities,
  7. ensure the preparation of reports on the energy saving achievements through the energy efficiency developments completed and operational solutions applied,
  8. prepare monthly reports on his activity to the business association that is required to use his services on the energy consumption in the reporting month of the business association that is require to use his services and its evaluation on the basis of earlier consumption figures, investments, developments and other circumstances,
  9. prepare by 15 May of the year following the reporting year an annual summary report on the basis of the monthly reports prepared for the business association that is require to use his services on the energy saving achievements through the energy efficiency developments completed and operational solutions applied that will be published by 31 May by the business association that is required to use his service,
  10. perform energy procurement, energy safety, energy efficiency related tasks within his scope of authority.
  • Performance of energy safety related tasks
  • Active professional support to electricity and natural gas procurement

For further details of our desk officer service please contact your personal contact point or the experts of our company on the email address energiahatekonysag@e2hungary.hu

Frequently Asked Questions

May an energetic auditor act as energy desk officer at the same company?

Applicable regulations of legislation and government decrees do not define incompatibility rules for offering energetic auditing service and energy desk officer service to the same enterprise.

Is an enterprise always required to notify the engagement of a desk officer?

According to the legislative requirement the engagement of an energy desk officer must be notified within 30 days of the engagement. According to the transitional provisions of Ehat. tv. the Hungarian Energy and Public Utility Regulatory Authority will not impose penalty until 30 June 2017 for failure to notify the engagement of an energy desk officer.

Notification can be done by sending electronically in the ÁNYK system the document MEKH_ESZAKREF published by the Hungarian Energy and Public Utility Regulatory Authority.

The document can be downloaded from: http://www.mekh.hu/nyomtatvany-az-energetikai-szakreferens-igenybevetelenek-bejelentesehez

Are state-owned organisations too required to engage energy desk officer?

Yes. Legislation on energy efficiency require business associations with specified energy consumption level to engage energy desk officer and do not differentiate between business associations depending on their owner.

Are public institutions too required to engage energy desk officer?

Legislation on energy efficiency require business associations with specified energy consumption level to engage energy desk officer, i.e. out of the contracting authorities specified in Act CXLIII of 2015 on public procurement, i.e. public institutions only the business associations having an energy consumption level defined in the legislation are required to engage energy desk officer.

Is energy provided to third party or generated included in energy usage?

Yes. Since the legislation does not specifically define whether final energy usage volumes are concerned, the business association's total energy usage must be considered, i.e. energy usage for energy production or energy transformation too qualifies as energy usage for determining the obligation.

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